Saturday, March 22, 2014

Movie: Season of the Witch

I really enjoy this movie, it's great at playing with people who like to guess the ending of the movie from like the first second. Really great at that, so if you have one of those in the house/family, have them watch this movie with them and then laugh when they don't get it right.

The movie starts out with a witch trial... pretty much a witch execution, because let's face it, there was no such thing as a witch trial, if they survived, they were executed anyway. Anywho, it starts with three women, one old lady, one middle age, and one young. The two younger ones plead for their lives, while the last one tells the priest to pretty much rot in Hell. They hang her pretty fast. The youngest confesses after the priest tells them that he would save their souls if they would confess. They hang her anyway.

After hanging them, the priest pulls each of them up after they've been drowned to make sure that they won't come back. He's got one done, two done, three... oh wait, he gets pulled into the water and scrambles to get to his book which is burned by the witch and then he's thrown over and hung. Guess who that one was... the youngest one! I thought it was going to be the oldest lady who told them to go to Hell. Wrong.

After this, it changes scenes to the Crusades where Nicolas Cage's character, Behman and his friend Felson (Ron Perlman) are two of the best in the army. After killing an innocent woman, Behman leaves the Crusades against laws and his buddy follows him.

They come upon a house looking for provisions and find the wife and husband in bed dead and all sickly. Well at least you think the wife is dead, I didn't really see it as a big deal, but my boyfriend felt it necessary to make a comment about how she should have been dead and it wasn't right for her to still be alive (lol). They burn the house and take the horses. They stop in a town to get better horses and food even though they know it's a risk, and it was and they get caught. After one of the priest see's the crusade mark on the sword of Behman he recruits him to see his sickly master who has the same thing as the couple in the house.

They say it's from a witch and they have to take the witch to the monastery so she can be judged. After seeing that the witch is this young girl, Behman makes the priest swear that she will be given a fair trial. She does look pretty innocent, but you kinda figure that she's playing the innocent girl to get Behman to feel bad for her and he does.

They need a guide so they find a swindler who has taken the path many times and then they are off.

The last in the group is a young alter boy who is really good with a sword.

Not long into the movie, the witch escapes the cage she's in and then kills one of the soldiers in the part by making him think Kay (the young alter boy) is his daughter. They keep going and through out it, you find that she uses the weaknesses of the men to understand them. She saves the alter boy when they go across this bridge and he's falling and does it single handed... not really a trait I know many witches are said to have (hint hint).

Then the guide is getting freaked out by her and he wants to kill her (he's not the only one, but he's the only one really set on it) and then wolves attack the group and in trying to get away, the guide is killed. They finally make it to the monastery. When they go inside, they find that the monks have the same disease that spread everywhere else. When the priest starts the prayer, the witch is saying things to Behman about how this is her "fair" trial. It dawns on the Priest that this -isn't- a witch at all. It's a possession by a demon.

They finally put it all together, the whole time, the demon wanted to come to the monastery. The first guy that got killed got too close and wanted her to be safe from the priest and wanted to let her go, pretty much he thought she was innocent. The guide, he almost killed her, so he had to go. Now why did she want to come to the monastery? The monks were copying the book, the one book the priest was holding to do the exorcism. The monks come back to life as zombie like demon things. Take off their heads and then they will be dead. Felson dies saving Behman from the demon and is burned. The priest has his head snapped, this is when the alter boy gets the book and continues. Behman takes his life to keep the demon from getting to the kid and pins him to the wall while getting stabbed in the back. After, Behman stays alive long enough to see that the girl is actually completely fine.

She didn't realize what had happened to her at all.

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