Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: Catching Fire

I was the BIGGEST fan of this book, it was one of my absolute favorite books and so I was excited for this movie. They did an excellent job at keeping the main details of the Hunger Games from the book to the movie.
The movie picks up not too long after the first one ends. Katiness and Peeta have to go to every district for the victory tour, before they get to do this though, President Snow tells Katness that she better be on her best behavior and prove to him that she and Peeta are actually in love. Yeah, that’ll be easy; Peeta doesn’t even want to talk to her after coming home. On top of that she’s so confused as to if she’s in love with Peeta or Gail. Oh my goodness, decisions!
When they get back to District 12, Peeta and Katniss now have to get ready for a wedding. Now that’s going to be a challenge to hid feeling for Gail and then prove to Snow that she loves Peeta. It’s okay, they weren’t able to do it, the 75th hunger games is up and that means there is a special event. Want to guess what the event is? The players will be chosen based on previous victors. Hate to break it to district 12 but there have only been 3 victors from there and only 1 girl victor.
I’m sure you can guess, Peeta and Katniss end up back in the arena, but will they both make it out?
Training starts and Katniss is giving the task of picking her allies, she picks the people no one else would want, but she picks them for reasons because they are smart in ways no one else can see. In the arena, it seems that Katniss and Peeta have more allies and different ones then Katniss originally assumed. This arena is a bit different then the other arenas. You figure out it is a clock from one of the people that Katniss wanted.
In the end, Katniss and Peeta, and Joanna, and a few of the others make it out because of a plan to blow up the barrier (that katniss did not actually know about). One tiny blip… Peeta is captured by the capital….


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