Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: A Christmas Carol (Movie)

This is the 1980's version and is my favorite. It is not the holiday season without watching this movie.

Scrooge is an old man running his business without a care for the world or anyone in it. He treats his nephew and employer like crap.

When he goes home on Christmas Eve (the movie does all of it in one night unlike the book which does it in three days (kinda)) he notices his doorknob turns into the face of his long dead partner, Jacob Marley. Jacob then tells him , later, that he will be visited by three ghosts and that he needs to change his ways or he will end up with the same fate.

The first ghost is a woman who is the ghost of Christmas past. She shows him when he was younger and at school when his sister comes to get him and his father. She then shows him when he was at a party and fell in love with a woman, and later how he turned this woman down.

The second ghost, the ghost of Christmas past, is a giant who shows Scrooge his nephew at his house party and the pathetic life his employer lives and the tiny son who is ill. He also shows him the sick and needy before showing him two children on his leg who will lead anyone astray.

The final ghost is the ghost of Christmas yet to come and this ghost shows him the family of the Crachits who lost Tiny Tim and that he will die alone with no one who cares.

After all of this it changes him and he becomes a better man, helping those in need and spending more time with his nephew and helping his employer and the family.

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