Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: Empire State

I wasn't really sure how I would feel about this movie as I hadn't really heard much publicity for it. Just so happens, I didn't like it that much. It was okay at giving a little history lesson from the 80's, but not much more than that.

It's about the largest robbery that the U.S. has ever seen. The thing is, they don't even know the exact amount that was taken.

It starts out with the end and a small future part then goes into the past to lead up to it. Detective Ransome, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, is asking Eddie where the money and where Chris was. Then it goes back in the past to show the story.

Chris, Liam Hemsworth, is looking for a job as a police officer to help his family, after his father loses his job, but is rejected from the police academy. So Chris goes to Empire State, an armored truck company, to be a security guard. He's paired with a middle aged man named Tony who shows him all the tricks in the trade. In the beginning of the movie, Tony dies when men try to rob the truck. After this, Chris is put on indoor secruity detail and he finds out that the company was supposed to pay Tony's family a lot more than they did.

Chris starts to slowly steal some money to help Tony's family and have a little for himself. Eddie, his friend, decides that they should steal all the money and they get some other low-life criminals involved in this. When the original night was supposed to take place, two different men try to rob Empire State and thus Chris calls off the whole thing. Eddie, greedy for money and a little scared after seeing Mike kill Jimmy he decides he's gonna do this either way.

Detective Ransome has this idea that it was Chris involved and finds out about it all. They end up arresting Chris and Eddie. Eddie wasted his portion of the money on a cocaine dealer, while the money Chris had was hidden and still has never been found.

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