Friday, March 21, 2014

Book: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This is the sequel to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone.

I think the book is great, I also like the movie, and again they are very similar. I think the first movie and book are more similar, but still very great.

It starts out with Harry Potter waiting for summer to end so he can go back to Hogwarts and his family, the Dursleys are having company and Harry has to be invisible. One problem, Dobby doesn't like this idea. Dobby is a house-elf who tells Harry he can't go back to Hogwarts. Harry tells him no and so Dobby makes a racket and the Dursleys lock Harry in his room and tell him he will never go back to Hogwarts.

One night, Harry, Fred, and George come and rescue Harry and bring him back to their home. While there, Mrs. Weasly takes great care of Harry. Even though the Weaslys are poor and can't afford much, Harry thinks this is the best place he had ever been. When it comes time to get school stuff he finds out just how much the Weaslys struggle.

When he gets back to Hogwarts (which is a struggle to do) he gets detention day one and when he completes his detention and is going back to his dormitory he hears a strange voice about killing. Next thing he knew, Mrs. Norris' cat was dead... or appeared to be. What was it? The whole school is in a little chaos.

Soon rumors about the Chamber of secrets starts popping up and the Heir of Slytherin. Hermine, Ron, and Harry all think it is Maofy. They go to investigate using a potion to transform into Slytherin members. Before they are able to finish the potion a few other people become petrified.

They don't find out much through, but enough to help Ron's father. Otherwise, Herminie turns into a cat and is in the hospital for a few more weeks. She's not out for long before she comes up with an idea and then goes to the library. Right before the next Quiddich game, it's canceled and ron and harry find out that Herminie has been petrified.

Before all of this, Harry found a diary that belonged to a student named Tom Riddle. It gave him more information about the Chamber of Secrets and led to Hagrid being a prime suspect for opening the Chamber of Secrets. It would make sense as he loves monsters and then he was also expelled from Hogwarts in his third year.

After Hermine is found, Ron and Harry go to Hargrid. When they get to him news comes from the Ministry of Magic that Hargid is under arrest and that Dumbledore is no longer headmaster at Hogwarts. Before they leave Hargrid and Dumbledore both say something knowing Harry and Ron are there.

"Follow the spiders" It's a few days after this message before Ron and Harry go into the forbidden forest after the spiders. They find Agroc there and he tells them that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets isn't him but a monster that Spiders hate. After barely escaping the spiders, Harry and Ron go to see Hermine in a slight accident just trying to get out of the room to see about the Chamber. When they go to visit her they find a piece of paper that tells them the monster is a snake and that's why Harry could hear and understand it.

They go into the Chamber of Secrets to find Ginny, Ron's little sister after a message about her being captured. When Harry gets into the big area he finds Ginny, but also Tom Riddle who tells him he is in face Lord Voldemort. Through the help of Dumbledore's  phoenix, Harry is able to defeat the Snake and Tom Riddle. When they get back Dumbledore is reinstated and they find that Tom Riddle's diary actually belongs to Maolfy's father and he slipped it to Ginny. Harry also learns that Dobby is the Maolfy's house elf. He trick them into giving Dobby a sock and freeing him.

Pretty much the end at this point.

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