Friday, March 21, 2014

Documentary: Blackfish

This documentary is great, it really shows you the difference of Orcas in the wild and Orcas in captivity.

There are no documented human deaths by Orcas in the wild, but there are many injuries and deaths realted to those Orcas in captivity.

After watching this documentary, I can't blame them. Being shoved into a small container all day and night, never being able to be with my family, having the only family I have being taken away from me. I would go after whoever did that to me too!

Tilikum is the largest Ocra in captivity, and he is also one of the most dangerous. His story is described in this documentary, leading to the death of one of the best trainers SeaWorld ever had.

Tilikum was a very young male orca when captured, like all captured male orcas, his dorsal fin soon collapsed over on him. He started in a small place like SeaWorld but much smaller, therefore much smaller places to stay. He was crammed into a tiny box with two older females who fought with him a lot. He would come out the next morning with cuts all over his black skin.

When he wouldn't perform a trick the way the other, more trained orcas, did, he would lose out on dinner. So now he's starving. The last time he was seen in this place was the last time a trainer would too. He grabbed the trainer and dragged it to the bottom, drowning the trainer who was supposed to be close to him.

He then went to SeaWorld, SeaWorld didn't release him to do tricks, and not many of the trainers understood why, but apparently the directors at SeaWorld did.

They go through showing mother's being pulled away from their calfs and crying for nights and being angry about their loss.

Orcas are social and much like humans in the way they have different languages around the world. Not every Orca has the same language and thus many in captivity don't get along. I wouldn't get along with someone I couldn't understand either.

One day, the female orca's didn't want to perform correctly, so they brought Tilikum out to perform, and when he performed a trick and ignored the whistle to stop, he was denied a fish. Oh no...

He later dragged the trainer around the pool by her arm, she died.

This lead to OSHA saying it was not safe for SeaWorld trainers to be in the pool with Orcas, and they are no longer able to be in the pool with Orcas.

However, poor Tilikum is still there in a tiny pool not getting any social interacting and only there to breed..

I'm just gonna say, just let him go! Just let him live out the rest of his life in peace instead of being in a jail cell for striking out against those who caused him so much harm

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