Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: Pokemon White: Victini and Zekrom

I’m writing the blog on White, but Black is the same exact movie, with minor details involving the legendaries. Where you see Reshiram in White, it is Zekrom in black.
It starts off with Ash and his friends (from seasons Black and White) going to a new city, like always. Anyway when they get there, this contest is going on and of course Ash and his friends join.
During this contest, Ash puts in two different pokemon during two different battles that get hit hard and then get healed by Victini (although they don’t see this) and come back stronger. One girl who battles Ash tells him this and they meet Victini, who is adorable and likes Ash a lot.
Ash finds that Victini is very old and is stuck within the boundaries of these pillars because a long time ago the dragon force was out of control and the ruler at the time moved the castle to stable to dragon force, but died in the process and never was ever able to take away the pillars.
Damon wants to restore the balance and he finds (in this movie) Reshiram and has Reshiram work with him. He uses Victini, and hurts him to try to restore the balance. In the process he throws off the dragon force, but doesn’t know about it. Ash finds out through Victini and tries to stop Damon and releases Zekrom to help him.
When Damon finds out, he can’t stop what is happening and the pillars close in around Victini and Ash and to save Ash, Victini destroys the pillars but also destroys himself (or so we think).
The castle lands on the beach, where Ash wanted to take Victini and when he goes to honor Victini he finds Victini.

Happy ending, of course. 

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