Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: Lone Survivor

I was a trooper throughout this movie. Knowing the background behind it… well bring a box of tissues for the ending if you’re like me… That’s all I can say. BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS MOVIE KEEP IN MIND IT’S CALLED LONE (as in one) SURVIVOR.
It starts out showing little aspects of Navy Seals on the base and how they live their morning lives. Four of the seals seem very close and they are talking about going away on a mission. Before they go on the mission, they have to initiate one of their team.
The mission is simple, take out a man.
Well it’s a movie, so it clearly can’t be that simple. When they get to their target location they find that it is a little harder to get to their target then they wanted. They change locations and while hiding, they are caught by goat herders. They tie up the herders and they are trying to figure out what do with them. They can kill them and wait for their bodies to be found and the media have fun with it. Let them go and let them tell the Taliban where they are or three keep them tied up and let them be found dead or alive (once again the media aspect).
They decide to let them go and take their chances to get as far as they can. They don’t make it too far before they are found and thus the gun fire and bombing begin. All this time they are trying to get in contact with their base with little luck. The amount of falls these guys took…. Well no way I would have survived one bounce. Although there is probably a high amount of adrenaline flowing in them after the first gun shot.
One of the guys doesn’t make it too far, he gets his hand shot off (other hits as well) and then he is at the top of the cliff. Another guy knows he will die but does what he does anyway to get a call to his base, he has to climb up on top of a cliff to call the base.
Two down, two to go. Oh well if you don’t count the whole entire helicopter of navy seals that gets blown up when they try to land to rescue. Oh yeah… that happened.
Anyway, back to the other two. One of the two at this point has been shot in the head, you kinda can’t see him making it much farther and he doesn’t. His vision is starting to go and it’s obvious he’s going down hill. The last of the four hides under a rock and falls asleep there momentarily. He’s got holes all in his body and a broken femur… that’s not an easy bone to break, in fact it’s the HARDEST bone to break.
When he wakes up, he manages to pull himself to a source of water where he sees more Afghanis, he’s not very welcoming to these guys, for good reasons. This man and his son, however, are trying to help him and when they hear the Taliban coming, they tell him to be quiet and then bring him back to the village to help heal him and send one of their men on a trek to his base.
During this time, the Taliban come to get the last American and anyone who gets in their way will die too. Too bad the villagers aren’t interested in this and fight back (it’s actually one of their centuries old codes).

In the end, he did survive and now he’s alive to tell his story. 

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