Friday, March 21, 2014

Shows: Twisted

I’m still not so sure how I feel about this show and I wasn’t sure when I started it, but I figured why not.
This is only on season one, the series does continue to play on ABC Family
It starts out with a small clip of two girls on swings, then a little boy comes out saying he was sorry and he had to do it and drops a jump rope. It’s pretty confusing, but makes sense in a little bit. Jo is one of the little girls and it is years later after Danny (the boy with the jump rope) killed his aunt. Now Danny is getting released from jail and returning to school.
Jo tries to not befriend Danny again, but it is hard for her, and she finds herself not only befriending him but falling for him more and more as the season progresses.
Lacey is the other little girl from the beginning scene and she takes a little longer to convince then Jo to gain Danny’s friendship, only when they do get close again they get… close….
The whole first season revolves around a girl’s death that happens right after Danny is released and they all thing Danny is involved with it. The whole school is against him and they work to get him kicked out of school and out of everything he does (they eventually succeed and he gets kicked out of school in the end).

Jo finds out about Lacey and Danny and it devastates her, meanwhile her best friend Rico is in love with her and she never knows. In the final episode, Jo sleeps with a guy after finding out about Lacey and Danny and Rico tries to tell Jo the truth. 

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