Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: The Blindside

Sandra Bullock does an amazing job in any role she does, and she can do a whole ton of different kinds of roles. This is one of my all time favorite movies, and no it's not because I'm from Baltimore, Maryland and the story is based on one of the Raven players!

The Raven player, Michael Oher, had an interesting high school experience. One that lead him to be with a family that loves and cares for him over being an orphan wondering from home to home.

The movie starts with Michael living with a friend's family and they are on a trip to a catholic school where the father of the friend was trying to get his son recruited. In doing this he also managed to get "Big Mike" recruited to the school too because of the athletics coach.

During a school play, Leigh Anne (Sandra Bullock) and her husband were going home when they saw Michael walking back towards the school. So she asks why he's going back to the school and he says because it's warm... (aww) So Leigh Anne tells him to come home with her and stay there (it's Thanksgiving the next day).

Michael Oher actually ends up staying with Leigh Anne and her family and they become very fond of him in their family and want to adopt him. In this process, Leigh Anne finds that Michael Oher is a ward of the state, and thus no permission needs to be taken from his mother. Leigh Anne goes to find Michael's mother so she can talk to her and find out his real last name and so she knows she is not helping him out.

One of the main reasons Leigh Anne wanted to adopt Michael was because he wanted to get a drivers license. One day when driving with his little brother, S.J., they are in a terrible accident. The paramedic tells Leigh Anne that S.J. is just fine, but he shouldn't sit in the front seat and it's amazing that he was walking away with a bruised lip. She finds out that's because Michael ended up stopping the air bag.

Next up, football! Michael doesn't take to football the way the coach initially thinks he will for being as big of a guy as he is, but they end up finding that he does best when protecting... the quarterback is who he's to guard. During the first game, there is a player who throws a lot of words at him and gets Michael distracted. But after watching the coach defend him when the referees keep giving him penalties he helps the team win the game by keeping his mind on his team and not what the other player is saying.

Through his stellar performance in the game he finds a lot of colleges looking to recruit him. His family really wants him to go to Ol' Miss, but Tennessee also wants him and those are the two that he decides between.

When he picks Ol' Miss is brings up some suspicions that the only reason the Tuohys took him in was because he would be a good sports player for the school they sponsor. It makes Michael question it, but he realizes that they do care for him.

The movie ends with him going to Ol' Miss and then when the Ravens picked him.

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