Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

So I already did the blog on the book and again, I like the movie better than the book, oddly.
It starts out with Clary and Simon on the phone talking when her mom and Luke come in. Clary is drawing this symbol that Clary’s mom points out to Luke.
Clary goes out that night with Simon to a night club where she sees a man get murdered by two guys and a girl, she screams out, but no one else can see what’s happening. The next day at a poem recital, Clary sees Jace (one of the guys from the club) again, and she interrogates him on why she can see him and no one else can and what he did.
During this time, Clary gets a call from her mom in distress, Clary rushes home, but by the time she gets there, her mom is already gone and there is a monster in it’s wake. After blowing it up (yeah, you would have thought that would have killed it), it reforms and Jace kills it.
Clary is scratched and so when she, Simon, and Jace get back to the castle she collapse. When she wakes up she finds out about shadow hunters and that her mom is a shadow hunter. She finds out about something called the Mortal Cup and how Valentine wants it to create a army of shadow hunters.
When trying to unblock her memories to see if they can figure out where her mom hid the mortal cup, they go to the City of Bones, in the process she gives a hint of who put the spell on her, Magnus Bane. They go there and while there, Simon is captured by vampires. They all go to rescue Simon and in the end Werewolves save them.
When they get back to the castle, Clary starts having serious feelings for Jace, and Simon feels pushed away when he finds out, which sends him away. Clary then finds out that she can insert things into paper and figures out what her mom did with the Mortal cup. In getting the Mortal cup, Alec is hurt badly and they rush him back to the mansion.

As soon as they get there they are betrayed by Hodge who lets Valentine in to get the Mortal Cup and lets demons enter into the mansion. While getting supplies, they find out where Clary’s mom is and Clary returns with Luke and a pack of werewolves. They all die (well at least all the ones I see minus Luke) and Clary manages to trick Valentine with a trick Mortal Cup and then she and Jace blow up the portal. That’s about the end of it, oh and Valentine tells Jace and Clary that they are related (this is before portal blow up time).

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