Friday, March 21, 2014

Book: The Christmas Sweater

This is actually a good book. It was given to me by a friend. I think you could read this before or after Christmas there isn't too much -about- Christmas in it, just more about a present given to the author on Christmas.

It starts with a little boy who wants a bike for Christmas, it's the only gift he wants and he's been good all year and it's the only thing he wants. One problem, his mom is a single mom, now that his dad died of Cancer and she is struggling.

On Christmas morning, he opens all of his presents but none of them are a bike, in fact the big present that his mom was making was a sweater. He hated it, it looked awful, but he tries to make it seem he's not upset about anything.

They go to his grandparent's house for Christmas and he tries really hard to make his mom happier after he threw the sweater on the floor in his room and his mom saw it. He gets a hope up that maybe his mom hide the bike at their grandparents. After opening all his presents at his grandparents he still didn't get his bike. They eat dinner and his grandfather is very anxious and his grandmother is telling him to stop and that they will do it tomorrow.

Being so upset about not getting the one thing he wanted, he throws a tantrum about wanting to go home when his mom says she's tired and wants to stay there. His grandfather tells them maybe it's best they go home. On the drive home, his mother falls asleep at the wheel and dies. This leaves him with his grandparents. He's very angry that God has taken his whole family and lashes out at everyone. He makes friends with a nearby neighbor and thinks their life is so much better that he tries to convince them to take him in. This angers him when his friend leaves him because of his actions and his only friend is a strange old man living in an abandoned house.

He runs away after feeling more pressured from his grandparents and becomes lost in a corn field and a large storm is forming and he can't seem to get out. This stranger comes to him and tells him he needs to face the storm.

After facing the storm, he finds out that everything was a dream, he wakes up on his bed at his grandparents' house and his mom walks in. He wears his sweater and tells his mom how much he really does like it.

Although in his dream he already found out that his grandfather had hidden his new bike in the garage he still tries to act surprised about it.

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