Friday, March 21, 2014

Book: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I had seen the movie years before I read this book. I actually liked doing that, this time around. It gave me a sense of what all the characters looked like and sounded like, although J.K. Roling does a great job at describing the scenes, the characters, the voices.

If you've ever seen the movie, then this book is like a play script for it.

Harry Potter is a young wizard who is being raised by his mother's sister's family. They hateanything magic and therefore they do not treat Harry very well.

When Harry Potter is 11 years old. Hogwarts (a school for witches and wizards) send Harry an acceptance letter, asking him to go. The Dursleys (his mother's sister's family) refuse to let him go, but through a little persuasion of a very large character, Hagrid, they quickly let him go.

When Harry enters the magical world, he is now all of a sudden famous, everyone wants to be his friend, something he is not used to. But he's only famous because he was able to drive off an evil force when he was just a little baby, but did Lord Voldemort really die?

There is a lot of things Harry needs to get used to and he makes friends with Ron and Herminie who help him get through his first year at Hogwarts.

These three get into a lot of trouble, trying to solve the mystery of what is in the forbidden corridor that has a large three headed dog guarding it.

They automatically want to go to accuse a Professor... Professor Snape because of his attitude of hate towards Harry, although everyone says he is like that to everyone. But could it possibly be someone else?

After finding out about the Sorcerer's Stone and it's ability to make someone immortal, the three kids find out that Snape wants the stone to bring back Lord Voldemort.

Snape has to get through all of the traps and enchantments guarding the sorcerer's stone and Fluffy is the first step, how do you get by a three headed dog? Only Hagrid knows that answer.

At the end of the book, the three realize they have got to go through the traps to stop Snape from getting the Sorcerer's Stone. They are reluctant as they have already gotten into tons of trouble this year because of this one thing, mostly caused by Malfoy, a boy in a different house then they who thinks he is better then the three of them.

Regardless, they have to go, they have to stop Snape. After playing a flute to Fluffy, burning through plants, flying through keys, playing chess, drinking potions that could be poison, Harry is able to go through the last door to find not Snape trying to get the Stone from the mirror, but someone no one would think of... Professor Quirrel. But something is different about him, he's no longer acting shy and studdering, and he reveals that Lord Voldemort called him to his side to gain power.

Where is Lord Voldemort? Well wait for Quirrel to take his turban off... yeah that's right the back of his head... Gross!!!

It's alright, Harry's got this. For some reason, Quirrel can't touch Harry, later, Dumbledore tells him it's because of his love that Quirrel couldn't touch Harry.

Through their efforts and success at stopping Voldemort, Harry and his friends win their house the house cup, which is a huge deal.

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