Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: The Hobit: The Desolation of Smaug

I read this book and I really did like the book, but the book I felt was a lot more happier then what Peter Jackson makes the movie. Granted had I not read the book I wouldn't have had anything to complain about. It is a very good movie and recommend it highly, you just have to remember that it's not exactly the book.

It starts off where the first movie left off. The group is just getting off of the Owls and they are still trying to get away from the pack of orcs coming after them. They go to stay at a house, problem is a bear is chasing them into the house, they need to close that door before he gets there. This bear, is actually the friend that keeps them safe and helps them get to their next destination. The forest. Gandalf cannot follow them into the forest.

Gandalf goes off on a mission to find out who this new enemy is that is appearing. He and his other wizard friend, Radagast, go to a tomb where the nine men with the rings (the ones they mention in the Lord of the RIngs) The tombs reveal that they, well aren't there.

Back with the dwarves and Bilbo, they get lost pretty early and when Blibo climbs a tree to see if he can find anything, when he comes back down spiders are out and getting at the dwarves. After being all wrapped up, and then getting out and the spiders are coming at them, elves chime in and kill the spiders and take the dwarves with them back to their kingdom. They don't get Bilbo, however, who uses his ring to get into their locked doors.

Gandalf is now at a very creepy like castle where he tells Radagast to leave and tell the other what they have found out and enters the place alone. He is surrounded by orcs and although he is able to get away from them he comes upon a very dark force that burns his staff and is actually Sauron.

Bilbo gets the dwarves out of their  cages by stealing the keys and then brings them to the basement and puts them in empty barrels that are dumped into the rivier. They are soon pursued by orcs and those orcs are then pursued by elves that are actually after dwarves, but refuse to let orcs live in their territory. They get to the end of the river when they meet a barge man that they ask to take them with him. He does at a price. They need a ride and weapons now.

Back in the lake city, Bard doesn't have the weapons that the dwarves want and so they go to the weaponry to get the weapons they want and get caught. Although through a wonderfully formed speech, the dwarves are able to get to the mountain before the last light on Durin's day. A few of the Dwarves have to stay behind. The brothers stay behind because the one is injured, one is to stay with the sick, and the last missed the boat.

At the mountain, they cannot find the key hole and the sun is quickly setting, but then when all hope is lost, the moon rises and there is the key hole, that Bilbo finds.

Now Bilbo is to go into the mountain, face the dragon and find the arkenstone. He puts his ring on, but the dragon, Smaug, can smell him, although he sees the stone he can't seem to get close to it because of the dragon. When he gets back to the group, the dragon comes after all of them. This is the best part of this movie, in my opinon. The special effects used look amazing and they do very well with it. At the end the dragon is flying over laketown, scary.

The movie itself wasn't bad, but as I said before, I don't really think it should be called the hobit, there's too much in it that makes it a Lord of the Rings movie rather than a Hobbit movie.

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