Friday, March 21, 2014

Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

I haven't read this book yet, so my opinon of book to movie hasn't been formed. I do like the way Peter Jackson directs his movies.

It starts with a brief overview; there are a bunch of different kind of rings, they went to elves, dwarves, and man. Then one made a ring to rule all others which started a war. The war ended with the death of Sauron but the ring survived and thus so did Sauron's spirit. The ring would corupt those that held it. It was found by a hobit, Bilbo, in "The Hobit" and now in this movie he is reaching his end with his time with the ring and gives it to his nephew like hobit he took in, Frodo. Frodo has a strong heart, and thus the ring doesn't corupt him the way it would men.

Gandalf, finds that this ring is the ring Sauron had and tells Frodo he must get it far away before they find it. Frodo starts his journey with his gardener and good friend, Sam. While they are getting out of the Shire, Mary and Pippin run into them and join them on their way to the Prancing Pony where they are to meet Gandalf.

When they get to the Prancing Pony (after nearly getting killed), Gandalf isn't there, but there is a ranger there, named Aragon, who actually ends up being a friend, not foe. He is able to help keep them safe. While they are trying to get to Rivendale, Frodo gets stabbed and is dying when an elf comes to help them get to her father. Don't worry he survives.

While there, they create a counsel to figure out who will bring the ring to the fires of Mordor (not exactly safe) Frodo takes up the challenge and is accompanied by Gandalf, Aragon, Legolas (an elf) and Gimli (a dwarf), and of course his other hobit friends. There is one other that goes with them, but he is already corupt by the ring and you can tell he's gonna start trouble, Boromir.

They set off on their journey. They have to go through the mines of moria and find it was not going to be a safe passage. After a battle with some orcs, they run into a firey shadowy monster. Gandalf stops the monster from going any farther to catch the fellowship, but in the process falls off the ledge into the darkness.

After the loss of Gandalf, the group gets some help with some elves. And set off again. This is where Boromir is truely corupt, while Frodo is trying to get away as he was told that the ring would destroy them all and he would lose all of his friends to its corruption, Boromir tries to take the ring from him. Boromir comes to his senses after Frodo uses the ring to escape (makes him invisible). Then the real trouble appears. Orcs come swarming in with orders to kill all of them except the halflings (the hobits) Of course no one knows this. Boromir fights the Orcs trying to protect Mary and Pippin who he got along with well and dies after three arrows pierce him (and he fights even then) but before the leader of the orcs can shoot another arrow, Aragon appears and kills him.

Boromir confesses to Aragon that he tried to take the ring from Frodo and dies a little after. It ends with Frodo and Sam getting onto a boat and sailing towards Mordor alone (Frodo wanted to go alone, but Sam (good old Sam is my favorite character) won't let him). The other two hobits were taken by the orcs so Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli set out to save them...

Pretty good movie. There's a lot of introductory stuff in it, which is needed to understand a lot of it. I do warn you, it's a long movie.

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