Friday, March 21, 2014

Show: Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

I grew up on shows like "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" and "Sailor Moon" and all those shows. I was more of a tom boy growing up, might have something to do with the fact that my sister wanted to be a princess, and I didn't want to be -anything- like my sister.

That being said, as a kid, I LOVED this show. Going back to watch it now I laughed a lot of it for the lack of technology and lack of acting, but at the time this thing was made, it was pretty good given those factors.

It is about 5 teenagers who are picked to be the Power Rangers (something like a superhero) to protect the earth against the evil forces that Rita would send to take over the world. Through the help of Zordon and Alpha (the ones that gave the powers to the Power Rangers).

You wouldn't think they would be able to do a good job, 5 teenagers against a load of bad guys, but they do, every episode has a different monster and often they are a little stronger then the ones before so that they get new weapons or equipment that helps them defeat the monsters. Or its one of the teenagers having a moment in their life (good or bad) that separates them from the team until they learn the lesson they need too and through this lesson they are able to overcome the monster when none of the others are able to.

After about halfway through the first season a new Power Ranger shows up, Tommy, the Green Ranger. Though when he first appears, Tommy is under Rita's spell and is evil. It's okay though, the other Power Rangers get through to him and tell him he doesn't have to be Rita's pawn. He's actually gets really close with Kimberly, the pink ranger.

A little later in the season (the first season is the longest, but also the best (my opinon)), Tommy has his power coin taken and drained of a lot of it's power. Although they get Tommy back, the damage was already done. He is the green ranger for a little longer before he runs out of power and disappears from the show for a while leaving the five original rangers. Then he comes back as the white ranger. This is where I start to dislike the show. Things are the same until the second season where the red, yellow, and black ranger are replaced with other people because they leave to go to Switzerland.

I didn't really like the three they replaced them with. It kinda lost me in the spirit of things. Tommy was now the leader after becoming the white ranger. Again the system was the same, a different monster each episode and different factors affecting the reason they could or couldn't beat the monster. There is also a differnt bad guy that comes in season two... Lord Zedd. Later in season two, Rita gets free and tricks Zedd into falling in love with her and marrying her so that they can rule the earth together.

Season three, I was reluctant to watch this, and it was a struggle to make it through it, but I made it. Zedd and Rita are still the evil team, but Rita's brother Rito shows up and is now in charge of bringing the monster to earth to face the power rangers. The team doesn't change until well late in the show when Katherine replaces the pink ranger Kimberly. The series is just about over here when  Rita's father comes to join the team and he turns back time and makes the power rangers little kids to where they never met Zordon or Alpha and never became the power rangers. This is where the series ends.

Although I thought the first season was good, I didn't like the second season or third season. So I don't recommend those two seasons, but the first season is the longest and the best.

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