Saturday, March 22, 2014

Movie: Set Up

This actually wasn't that great of a movie. I was expecting a lot more from it then what I actually got, so it was slightly a let down.

It starts out with three friends who end up stealing diamonds from a guy in a car. They end up killing him which apparently wasn't part of the plan.

Sonny (50 Cent), tells his one friend Vincent (Ryan Phillippe) that he shouldn't have killed the guy. Anyway, Vincent ends up killing the third friend, and shoots Sonny, thinking he killed him, takes the diamonds and runs off.

Sonny ends up getting fixed up by a friend of his and then he gets targeted by a hit man who Sonny tells Vincent has the diamonds and goes to meet the mob boss, Biggs (Bruce Willis). They team up to get the diamonds and money back and Sonny ends up taking the money and hides some of it in a Teddy Bear and some of it in a locker after his 'partner' (one of Biggs' guys) dies by his own dumb fault.

Anyway, you find the Vincent's dad is in jail and in trouble, and so Vincent is trying to pay this guy to keep him safe but needs the money. Doesn't take too long for the hitman to find Vincent's sister (the driver in the beginning) and ends up killing her.

Sonny goes back to the mob boss to tell him Vincent has the money (the money that Sonny hid) so they go to him and the mob boss and a bunch of others get shot (oh and Vincent ends up killing the hitman when he goes to Vincent) and then it's just Sonny and Vincent. Sonny let's Vincent go in the end.

The teddy bear went to the third guy's wife/girlfriend/sister/girl he lived with.

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