Friday, March 21, 2014

Book: City of Bones

So this was a strange one. I actually kinda liked the plot a little better in the movie then I did in the book. I obviously liked the book better because of details, but the plot I liked in the movie. But I’ll talk about that in a different blog, now won’t I?
The book is about a girl, Clary, who lives in the city with her Mom and she starts getting these odd visions of demons which she can’t really seem to figure out. She is out one day with her best friend Simon when she sees a “man” get murdered by two guys and a girl. A day or so later she is at the cafĂ© with her friend Simon and one of the guys she saw committing the crime she sees again. One problem, only she can see him.
While trying to talk to this stranger her mom is kidnapped and when Clary gets back to her apartment there is a monster there waiting for her. Although Jace (the guy only she can see) is the one that officially kills the monster she manages to hold her ground. Jace makes a risky move and puts a “rune” on her which are things that shadow hunters use, which is what Clary and Jace are. Shadow hunters kill demons, simply.
Clary then meets Alec and Isabelle who are brother and sister and the other two shadow hunters that Clary saw in the club killing the vampire (that was the “guy” they killed). You find that Alec has a thing for Jace (yerp, he’s gay), but so does Clary… whoops.
Clary and the three shadow hunters, and Simon all try to figure out where Clary’s mom is, but they first have to get her memories back. They try going to the City of Bones, but the spell is too powerful, so they have to go to the source, Magnus. While there, Simon is turned into a rat and then later captured by Vampires. Clary and Jace go to the Vampire’s lair to get Simon back. They meet a Hispanic boy outside that helps them get in, but ends up being the leader of the vampires.
They do get Simon back, and then werewolves show up that help them out.
Okay, so I skipped a lot, but that’s what reading the book is for. In the end, Luke (a close family friend who Clary thought hated her is a werewolf and helps them break into Valentine’s lair).
Book secret!: Clary and Jace related?!?!?!?! Omg!

Anyway, Valentine gets away with the Cup and Clary’s mom hasn’t woken up in the end, but everyone is safe and alright. Even Alec who does get hurt.

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