Friday, March 21, 2014

Show: The Fosters

I didn't really think I would like this show when I looked at the previews, but when I heard it had some good reviews, I wanted to see for myself.

I watched the first half of the first season and watch the show every Monday night it comes on, or not long after if I miss an episode.

It's about a family which is not your normal family. Firstly the parents are both moms, a lesbian couple. I think it's great that ABC family is putting this out there. Especially now that it's wildly accepted in the United States, or at least mostly accepted.

Secondly, the parents have one older son who is the one wife's own son from a husband she had when she was trying to forget that she had feelings for women. This clearly didn't work. The son, though, plays piano and lives with his moms, but also goes to see his dad every now and then. Music is something he is very passionate about. His girlfriend is a little iffy, she's a little too jealous.

Next up, the twins. These two were adopted by the moms. They are hispanic twins whos mom abandoned them for drugs. What... a ... mom... Their mom isn't a part of their lives, but she wants them only for their money they can help her get to fund her drug need. Really.... awesome mom right there.

The final set is a brother and sister who are living with the Fosters as foster kids. The sister is coming out of juvy and she has a lot of history that tends to lead to people not believeing her. Her little brother is gay, and it's not all that evident, he kinda just slips characteristics of it out there. He's a real character though in a good way.

It's a great show so far so I'm hoping they can keep it this way. The oldest son is starting to get feelings for the new girl in the house even though they aren't supposed to.

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