Friday, March 21, 2014

Documentary: National Geographic: Lewis and Clark: Great Journey West

I haven't always loved history, at least not when I'm at school. I have liked certain History Professors I had, but a lot of time hearing just doesn't give you the best image. That's why I like a lot of these documentaries.

Everyone in the United States know that Lewis and Clark are the two that went west all the way to the Pacific. It was a dangerous journey at this time and no one in their time expected them to return.

This documentary explains this. It goes through the different parts that Lewis and Clark go through. They start when Lewis and Clark are asked to travel west until they reach the Pacific ocean. They accept the challenge, and it is just that.

Through boat problems; boats running into logs and flipping and all of those dangers. Then problems with bears and sliding off cliffs. It was a challenge to navigate the landscape they were to cross.

If the landscape wasn't hard enough they had to deal with Native Americans too, not all were hostile, but telling these natives that their land no longer belonged to them, didn't exactly create friends.

One Native American tribe helped Lewis and Clark in their journey by giving them a guide and another member, Sacagawea who had a son during their expedition.

Woman or not, Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark imensely during their journey and this documentary explained that as well.

Through rough turns they finally made it all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Time to head back... Fame and Glory here we come!

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