Monday, April 28, 2014

Show: Being Human

After 4 long seasons of Being Human, the American version finally came to an end this year. It was very strange doing the countdown. I wasn't a fan of this from the beginning; I was home on fall break one year and saw my family watching it and thought it might be an interesting pass time at school and so I watched season one all on my own, and once I start a show I have to finish it.

It felt like more than 4 seasons, don't know why, just did. I wasn't really sure how much longer I would be watching this show. It started to get a little complicated towards the end.

Season one starts with an introduction to Sally, Aiden, and Josh. Aiden and Josh are close friends who work in the hospital together. They find out they share something in common, they are both living secret lives they don't want to. Aiden is a vampire and Josh is a werewolf. They decide to move in together. When they move into a house, they find that it is haunted by a ghost Sally who was murdered by her fiance, but everyone thinks it was just an accident.

In the first season, Aiden is confronted with taking out his maker. With the help of Sally, Aiden is able to kill his "father".

In the second season, Josh and Nora (his girlfriend that he ends up turning into a werewolf) are set on finding a cure to being a werewolf, Sally become haunted by the grim reaper and Aiden is stuck trying to help the Queen.

In the end of the season, Josh and Nora find out that to be cured they must kill their maker. Josh knows who his maker is, all he has to do is kill him, but Nora won't be able to be cured. Aiden watches the love of his old life die and gets buried deep in the ground and Sally gets lost in Limbo. 

In the third season, Josh is stuck adjusting to his life as human again and Nora still being a werewolf, meanwhile they search for a way to bring Sally back from Limbo and find Aiden. 

Someone ends up digging up Aiden and it just so happens that there is a plague that is killing vampires and so Aiden is unaffected. There is a blood market going on now to try to keep the blood source cleaned. Josh and Nora find a way to bring Sally back to life through a witch. 

While Sally is a live she finds that she starts to fall apart, quite literally, but she can heal herself by eating living creatures. 

It starts out pretty small, but before she knows it, she wants to start eating her friends. She decides that it's time for her to go again because she can't live like this.

After she passes, Josh and Nora finally get married, that's where the end of the season is, but during the season, Aiden befriends a boy who is like a bubble boy and this boy wants to be turned into a vampire, which Aiden does turn him, but it doesn't turn out the way he had hoped and instead of killing the kid, he lets him run away. (Oh, the cure to the plague, Werewolf blood, which has a bit of a nasty effect on Vampires)

There's a bit that goes on in the final season. Sally gets dragged to the underworld like place with the witch that brought her back and they are linked. Sally makes it back, but every time she uses magic she ends up time warping to some other time. The most pronouned one she lands in, is her past right before she dies where she possesses herself and saves her life. It changes a bit of things, but she falls in love with Aiden. She still ends up dying in her life and Aiden becomes a really vicious vampire after she dies. She finally finds a way back to her time and then the evil in the house (this little girl) tries to ruin it. In order to save Aiden, Sally takes away his being a vampire, but it costs her her life and then Aiden is so old and dying anyway that he ends up dying in the season finale to take out the evil in the house. 

Nora and Josh end up getting pregnant, but it's a wild road for them. In the end of season three, Josh becomes trapped in his wolf and only on the full moon is he human. When Sally makes it back she does a spell to free Josh, but it's never completed, so Josh pretty much can turn whenever he wants and he's got a very mean streak to him that ends up making him the pack leader and chases Nora away from him for a while. That is until Sally shows him who he really is and helps him face his fears. 

It was a really good series. I can't compare it to the British version because I've never seen it, but I've heard it both ways. 

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