Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Movie: Princess Mononoke

I really liked this movie. It's a long one though, aren't all of his?

Anywho, it's about a guy, Ashitaka, who is a prince of his tribe/city who is poisoned from a demon. A demon attacks his village and everything the demon touches dies, and Ashitaka needs to stop it before it gets to his city and kills everyone. in the process of killing the demon (which turns out to be a huge boar), he is touched and has a rash formed. Turns out the rash is a curse and he will die soon. The Wise woman from the town tells him that the Great Forest Spirit might be able to help, but he is dead to his town because of their laws.

So Ashitaka leaves in search of the forest. On his way there he sees Samurai pillaging a village and he tries to help, when the samurai attack him, he kills them in devastating blows (like using an arrow to sever their heads and other body parts). It's a little disturbing if you don't like gore. Anyway, the people half fear him, half admire him, but it's not an important town, just one character there is important that takes him to his house to eat and offers some shelter before Ashitaka leaves back to the forest. Don't forget the guy, he will come back.

So they throw in this clip of this movement of ox and people moving towards their city with rice. You don't really get the point too much of it at first. These wolves attack and the one lady, Lady Eboshi, shoots it with her gun and it falls into the water, but she says it's a god. There are some men and ox that fall off the cliff.

When Ashitaka makes it to the city, he finds two men who are alive but one is in serious condition. These two men came from the Iron Town, where Lady Eboshi and her people are from. So Ashitake agrees to take the guys back to their village because they are both injured and need his help. They have these little creatures help them, which are kind of freaky, but they help them get to the city. When Ashitaka makes it to the city, Lady Eboshi wants to talk to him because he comes off as a hero for making it through the forest alive and helping her people.

So here's a strange thing about the movie, the women are the ones who rule the city, kind of. They run the iron mill. Ashitaka finds out that the bullets that Lady Eboshi makes is what caused the boar to become a demon and that they are dangerous. Through the demon and the bullet is how Ashitaka got his curse, so he's not to fond of Eboshi, or I wouldn't be. Anyway, Eboshi tells him about a girl in the forest who is a wolf girl named Princess Mononoke.

During one night, the wolf girl attacks the town after Eboshi for the damage she is causing in the forest. Ashitake gets into the middle of the fight because he doesn't want either one hurt. He gets the wolf-girl away by knocking both of the women out. While leaving he is shot and he lives when he shouldn't but he becomes very ill.

When they make it back to the forest, it takes a while, but Mononoke takes care of Ashitaka and takes him to this lake and waits for the great forest spirit to heal him, which he does.

The goddess of the wolves tells Ashitaka to leave and when he does the boars and the people of Iron Town go to battle. The battle is meant to draw the boars out and so that they can get to the Great Forest Spirit. It works and when Ashitaka finally finds where the massacre occurred, a wolf is still alive and helps him find the wolf-girl and king of the boars who are leading the people straight to the Great Forest Spirit because the King of the Boars is greatly injured and sick.

While getting to the lake, the curse takes over the boar and consumes Mononoke with him, when Ashitaka calls out her name she answers and he runs to her aid. He does everything to free her, but ultimately it is the wolf goddess who gets her out of the cursed boar and then gives her to Ashitaka who gets her in the water. Meanwhile, the forest spirit is coming to help end the suffering of the King Boar and when he does, Eboshi and her people shoot off it's head.

The rest of the movie is about the destruction the forest spirit causes the land in search of his head. Mononoke and Ashitaka get the head back to the forest spirit after much destruction and then in the end Ashitaka is healed and all is well.

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