Monday, April 15, 2013

Book: Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison

Epic finale to the series. Was sad when I finished it actually.

This book has so many parts to it, that it shifts around a lot. In the beginning Seth and Kendra and her grandparents are all together and have to devise a plan to get the next artifact so that they can get Warren out of the knapsack because he is running out of food at this point.

When they get the artifact, they are ambushed by the Society and they get separated  Seth, Tanu, and Mara all get trapped by the society. And the rest get away to home. Kendra uses the Transporter device to get Warren out of the knapsack, he's alive and well so that's nice.

While imprisoned, Seth meets a guy (well actually he is a Unicorn) named Braken. He is permanently a human from giving up his third horn to keep the Zzyxx locked. He turns out to be a huge part of the book.

Then Kendra, her grandparents and the rest device a plan to get Seth and the others rescued after Vanessa reveals her secret that helps them figure out where the 5th Secret Preserve is. Well it ends up being a trap and then they all get captured.

Someone gives Seth the Sands of Serenity and the translocator so that he can escape. Well through making a promise to Granulas he goes to him and heals him and is betrayed. Granulas destroys the house and kills Coulter. Before he dies, Coulter gives advice to Seth to find a message from Patton. He does this and learns he needs to find the Singing Sisters. In finding what he needs to do, Seth releases Vanessa and takes Doren and Newel with him on his mission.

Kendra, meanwhile, meets Braken. Poor girl has been lied to so often she doesn't trust him. In the process, they meet up with Warren who has found out that the Sphinx has switched sides since Granulas and Naga Luni (the demon that taught the Sphinx) have taken over the Society. So they escape through the help of the Sphinx and find the Fairy Queen's shrine and the Fairy Queen assures Kendra that Braken is on their side.

So Seth meets the Singing Sisters and they tell him how to find Vasilis, the sword of Light and Darkness. He has to go to Canada to get it and Vanessa helps them reach it. Seth has to rid the Totem Wall (where the sword is at) of the evil that resides in it. It's all undead and Seth has some troubles but manages to get the sword from the Wizard who it belongs to. The sword has to be given.

Kendra, Warren, and Braken are sent to save the Eternals (who need to be killed before the gates can be opened). They fail at this with the 3 remaining, through a lot of trying. They end up going to meet up with Seth and Vanessa who need to summon the Ghost ship to get to the Shoreless Isle.

Well I'm sure you can imagine that Zzyxx is open, but the Sword is used by Seth to kill Granulas and Naga Luni, while Kendra uses it to defeat the demon king.

They couldn't kill all the demons so they trapped them in the Fairy Queen's realm instead and the Fairy Queen goes to Zzyzz as her new kingdom. I'm sure you can imagine that Kendra falls for Braken. Really cute actually.

He left the series with a lot of open questions, that I hope he solves.

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