Monday, April 22, 2013

Movie: The Great Mouse Detective

The movie starts out with a girl mouse (Olivia) and her father. The father put his daughter in a closet like area and tells her not to come out. Meanwhile, there is a lot of commotion outside and when Olivia can get out she finds her dad gone and taken. As any daughter would be, she is flustered.

She runs into a bigger mouse named Dr. Dawson, he just came back from tour in Afghanistan  She tells Dr. Dawson that she is looking from Basil of Baker Street. He helps her find Basil. Basil turns out to be the Sherlock Holmes of mouse world. He at first won't hear much from Olivia, trying to send her off, telling her to find her mother and to go home. She then says that it was this bat that took her father. This is what gets Basil's attention. Turns out he knows EXACTLY who took Olivia's dad.

Basil, Dr. Dawson, and Olivia set out to find her dad. Meanwhile, her dad is hard at work for Ratcus making him some kind of machine. Ratcus gets him to do this by threatening his daughter. So what better way to make a father work but to capture his daughter and get the father to work for the release of his daughter. So that's what Ratcus does, sends out his bat to capture Olivia. While looking for clues, Olivia is captured even with all of Basil's efforts to stop them from taking her.

While his daughter is there, the father works hard for Ratcus. Dr. Dawson and Basil find a way into Ratcus' lair through a dinner party. Ratcus expected it and captures both Dawson and Basil and set a trap so that if tripped, they would die. He used this time to take the father and the machine he made to take over the Queen Mouse. The machine is a replica of the Queen Mouse.

Basil is down and depressed because Ratcus was able to out-smart him. It takes some motivational words from Dawson before Basil is able to snap out of it and then figure the trap out. Once that is done they go and soil the plan being played out at the palace and save the Queen Mouse.

That's not the complete end, though. Ratch is so angry that he goes to run away with Olivia, they catch up and get Olivia back, there is a big clamor and in the end Basil is victorious over Ratcus.

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