Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Book: Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

Well I'm gonna tell you now, don't read it if you don't want to know what happened in the book, because I'm about ready to spill.

This series really makes you think about who you can and can't trust. I mean EVERYONE is starting to change sides. Demons are becoming "good guys." Well in a sense. Seth becomes a Shadow Charmer and has Dark and Evil creatures believe he is a friend and can have them help them.

Well Kendra gets kidnapped in the beginning and then the Society makes it seem like she is dead to everyone, including her parents. Well she finally gets rescued through the help of Vanessa and some big secret she has, that I am still waiting to figure out in the last book. And so Kendra's grandparents, Seth, and everyone else at Fablehaven knows she is alive, but not her parents.

They have to go on this mission to the Dragon Temple, which means that, surprise surprise, Gavin is along for the mission. The group sets out and Seth hides and goes along on the trip even though he isn't supposed to. Good thing he does, because he can't feel magical fear which dragons give off when they are confronting humans, however, Seth can't overcome the mesmerizing
 effects that clouds his mind, but guess who can... Kendra. So together (when they are holding hands/touching) Seth and Kendra are a Dragon Tamer. I thought that was pretty cool.

So in the end, after they finish getting the key, Navarog tries to steal it... guess who it is.... Gavin. Gah, it makes sense when laid out that way, but took me completely by surprise. However, Ratxus (a fairy dragon, read it to understand it) actually eats Gavin and save Kendra and then they all set home. But Warren kind of gets trapped in an extra dimensional world... Kinda bummed me out because he was one of my favorite characters, so I'm hoping they figure out how to bring him back. ;)

Addictive series, I can't put them down. I don't think I spilled too much, there is still a lot to the story.

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