Monday, April 8, 2013

Book: Fablehaven: Grip of the Shadow Plague

Third book of the series, so this may be a little confusing and jumbled, only read it if you like the series and/or you are going to read this book or have read it before.

Keeps getting better and better this series does. It leaves you with a lot of different open endings that makes you continue to pick up the next book in the series so you can finally close up those endings.

The beginning of the book begins with some stuff that isn't necessarily relevant to the book itself (or the main plot of that book), but it's important in the rest of the series. It's starting to come out a little more now about the whole thing in the fourth book, which I am currently reading. The beginning starts with Kendra getting inducted into the Knights of Dawn and going on a mission to a preserve to get another artifact and she meets another guy that is a Dragon Tamer and they pretty much come out empty handed because the artifact was already taken and the guy who took it was Patton Burgess (see if you can remember that name from the first few books)

Anyway, while Kendra is gone, the rest of the guys at the preserve discover this weird thing going on where creatures of light (like faries, saytrs, etc) are turning dark. They try to confront Vanessa (the girl they put in the Quiet Box) about it, and she gives them some hints, but nothing that she could really give them to help, so they are on their own.

Remember the old manor? The one that Seth got lost in during the last book? Yeah, well that comes back. So keep that in mind.

Like always it's down to Kendra and Seth who pretty much have to save the day. Kendra has a large component to it from being fairykind, but Seth has this new ability too that allows him to overcome magical fear and he's the one that can see the darkness that is taking over the other creatures.

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