Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Movie: Castle in the Sky

Be prepared it's a long one, as usual for his movies. A little over 2 hours.

The one think I have learned about this director's movies is that you HAVE GOT TO PAY ATTENTION!

So it starts off a little strange in the middle of an attack on this floating balloon, and this girl is there. Apparently the people who invaded wanted to hunt down this crystal that she had as a necklace. While escaping she slipped and fell off the ship and then floated to the ground when the boy catches her. Already a cute romance, right? lol The crystal came from her mother, who when she died, gave it to her daughter.

So the boy's daddy is the one who saw the floating island in the sky. Kind of reminds me of Howl's Moving Castle at the end when it floats.  The boy and his village is full of a bunch of miners who are very tough and not easy to get around, but due to the mines, they find a lot of places and friends to help underground

Anywho, the people who attacked the airship try to track down the girl and the boy is determined to help of the girl he save, so the romance continues....

I do like how he has the action so close to the beginning of the movie. It makes it a lot more interesting and means that there is typically more to come, as at first they escape. What's the saying? If at first you don't suceede try try again.

Awkward... the girl is the floating island, or at least she inhearited the name of the island when she got the crystal.

They get recaptured, only the boy and the girl are captured and the man who kidnapped her wants her to find the floating island. In exchange for the release of the boy, she agrees to let the kidnapper use her to find the floating island, so that he can use it for its power source.

The original lady who was after the crystal... remember her and her two sons? Well she captures the boy when he comes back to the village and he makes them take him with when they go back after the army and the girl to get the crystal.

Never nerage an already angry robot!

The boy and the pirates save the girl and get back to the floating balloon. The girl lost the crystal in the chaos and now the army has it and is continuing to search for the floating island, so the pirates, boy and girl, have to find it first. But the army still kind of needs that girl to use the crystal and it's power...

Overall it was a really good movie I think, I tend to like a lot of his movies, I think that he adds more details that needed, but that isn't always a bad things, but I felt like he just really kind of dragged this one on. When they got to the island, I would have hoped it would be a lot closer to being over than it was.

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