Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie: The Black Cauldron

I thought it was a decent movie. I don't think Disney should claim this one, kinda creepy for a young kid to be watching.

It starts with a boy who is a pig keeper and he finds that his pig is this magical pig that can see things (not in the future or past, but in the present). Well anyway, his pig is being hunted by this guy known as the Horned King, he's the creepy one in the movie. He wants to find this thing called the Black Cauldron which has this evil magical power.

Well they get captured by the Horned King and the boy manages to get his pig out of the city, but is trapped and kept prisonner. While in his prison he meets this Princess who is also a prisoner. Together they try to find a way out and stumble upon the old king's tomb. In it the boy finds a magical sword (well he doesn't quite know that yet), and then they find a old man who is captured and they free him. Together they escape.

They meet up a forest creature, he's really cute and together they find some fairies that tell them where the Black Cauldron is and so they go there. When they reach the city they find three witched. When they ask the witches for the black cauldron they ask for the sword in exchange which they give the witches.

They then get captured again by the Horned King and he uses the cauldron to summon a undead army. When the creature from the forest frees his friends he jumps into the cauldron to stop the undead army and he does. When he does the Horned King gets sucked into the cauldron. When the castle is destroyed, the witches come back for the cauldron and when they do the characters ask for their friend back in return for the cauldron.

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