Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Book: Inheritance

Great book up until the last 100 pages!

Ugh! I was so frustrated with the way he ended the book. I understand that he had to do it so that he could end the series and tie up all the loose ends, but he could have at least made it a happy ending for the main character, Eragon! Gahhhh

Don't worry, Eragon survives, but in the end after the king is dead (and I won't tell you which character kills the king or his black dragon). In the end, however, Eragon and Saphira had to leave the land and go somewhere for another certain duty they gain during the duration of the book (which I can't tell you what it is, but it's pretty freaking cool). Anywho, Saphira gets a happy ending and she falls in love with the last egg that Galbatorix had (a green one, which is why the cover is a green dragon) which hatched for Arya (shocker). Anyway, Saphira is happy she got to fall in love and mate (well even she says dragons don't mate for life) even for the short time she was with him. But Arya turns Eragon down when he asks her to come with him! That was the one thing I was waiting for after the destruction of the king! My gosh!

I won't tell you about Thorn and his evil rider, I'm sure you can guess that he's not all evil, and I liked how they turned his character in this book, although I wish that they kept him in play after the king died, but alas they did not.

Still very well written, it was GREAT. Lots of pages, but I was able to finish it in about 5 days, it was hard to put down. Then during the last 100 or so pages when the king was dead and he was tying up ends I was waiting for the great super start ending and so took me a while to finish.

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