Monday, May 5, 2014

Shows: Prince and the Pauper

This is a collection of 5 short Disney Shows, I broke them down by show.

Prince and the Pauper

This is a cute little one. Mickey Mouse is the Prince and the Pauper. This is about a common peasant going into the castle and the Prince sees that they look the same and decides to trade places for a day. The Prince goes and hangs out with Goofy (the friend) and finds out that his father's army is stealing people's money and food in the name of the king, but the king is sick and dying and would never do that.

Meanwhile Pete (the evil commander) finds out that Mickey is just a peasant and tries to use him so that he can own the town forever with the help of the "prince"

During the coronation, Mickey (real price) comes to the rescue to defeat Pete and take his spot on the throne, now that his father is dead.

Pied Piper

In this short story, a town is over run by rats and the mayor asks that anyone who can get rid of them would get a lot of money. This one guy says he will do it and pipes a tune and the rats all leave with him.

When he returns for the money, the mayor says he doesn't deserve it because he didn't do anything. So the Pied Piper uses his tune to take the kids away from the town.

Old King Cole

I'm so beyond confused on this one it's not even funny. It's like a lot of different plays that the king has playing that are a bunch of legends, I think, don't quote me. I didn't like it.

A Knight for a Day

In this one, Goofy is a squire and the knight he serves gets injured during this competition to get the princess's hand, so Goofy takes his master's place and faces the toughest knight in the competition.

Through sheer luck he wins and the princess wanted him to.

Ye Olden Days

This is the only black and white one in the group. Minnie is being given away in this episode and she refuses, so her father locks her up and so Mickey fights her pursuer and wins and takes Minnie away

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