Monday, May 5, 2014

Movie: Stuck In Love

I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy this movie or not, but I didn't think it was that bad.

It's a story about three different relationships that aren't perfect and involves a lot of gives and takes. Oddly the three relationships are that of a father, daughter and son all trying (or not really trying) to find love.

The father is still in love with his ex-wife who left him/cheated on him and lives with this new guy now. It's odd, but you find him kinda stalking her in the beginning trying to find out what she's doing. He's a famous book writer and he lives on the beach and has a friend with benefits who is trying to get him out there in life and move on. His son wants him and his mom to get back together, but the daughter wants nothing to do with her mom anymore.

The daughter is in college, she's just kinda sleeping around with different guys, she doesn't believe there is love in the world, but one guy is really trying to get her attention because he likes her. She just published a new book and when her mom shows up to her book premiere she pretends not to know her and then finds out her boyfriend (the one that was trying to get her attention, he finally did) was the one who invited her mother she breaks it off with him until she hears that his mom died from her cancer and that brings them closer again. This also leads her to go to her mom and try to refoster their alliance.

The son is the one I thought would have at least a decent relationship but his is actually the most screwed up, kinda. The girl he likes in high school is kinda a drug addict and a whore (please excuse my language, but it's kinda true). At a party one night he punches her boyfriend who is being an ass to her and then she and he start hanging out together. At his sister's book premiere, she gets drunk and then leaves the party, when they find her she's drunk, high, and passed out in some guy's room. After this she pretty much goes to rehab and then at the end at family dinner you hear him say that "it might be her" when there's a knock at the door.

It's actually the mom at the door (this is after the daughter and mom reconnect)

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