Sunday, March 31, 2013

TV Show: Fringe Series

As some of you may know the Fringe series came to a conclusion this year (insert sad face).

I quite enjoyed this show, it was fun and interesting and just flat out weird and I liked that. Definitely a show for all the science nerds. Although, I'm not sure anyone can quite do what Walter does.

It is a show that requires you to pay attention, if you can't pay attention then you really shouldn't watch the series. Each season was something different.

Season 4, for example was half about one of the main characters from seasons 1-3, Peter being erased from the time line and trying to get back to his era.

Season 3 was all about an alternate universe and how they were at war.

Season 5 took place all in the future and the main characters trying to defeat these people called "the observers" and getting rid of them, or getting back to a time to where they never took over. Which is how it ends, they end up getting back to a time where they never invaded because of something they do in the last few episodes. (And no I didn't spoil it for you, there is a lot more to it then that!)

It was a really interesting show though, some of the cases were down right gross, and others weren't too completely bad, though I enjoyed the gross ones sometimes.

I did like how they incorporated a love story between the two main characters, Olivia and Peter. The connection really didn't seep in until season 3 though. I mean it was there in seasons 1 and 2 (barely in season 1) but season 3 is where I think it was really good. However, Walter (Peter's insanely crazy, yet brilliant dad) was my favorite character. He was funny, and he was the one who was always there to solve the mysteries and tell them how to fix them

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