Sunday, March 31, 2013

Movie: Meet the Robinsons

Poor little kid. Orphan just trying to impress parents to get adopted, only he goes about it in the wrong way. He's smart and likes to invent and fix things, which don't always work the way he wants them to.

After going through a lot of failures from potential adoptive parents Lewis wants to find his mother, and he's a science inventor nerd..

Ends up in the future because he didn't believe the kid when he said he was. So in order to get him to go back to the science fair, to the future he went.

The dinosaur is really cute.

The ending I liked. Would have liked it less if they had left him in the future. Shows the moral, don't take the easy way out of the problems.

TV Show: Fringe Series

As some of you may know the Fringe series came to a conclusion this year (insert sad face).

I quite enjoyed this show, it was fun and interesting and just flat out weird and I liked that. Definitely a show for all the science nerds. Although, I'm not sure anyone can quite do what Walter does.

It is a show that requires you to pay attention, if you can't pay attention then you really shouldn't watch the series. Each season was something different.

Season 4, for example was half about one of the main characters from seasons 1-3, Peter being erased from the time line and trying to get back to his era.

Season 3 was all about an alternate universe and how they were at war.

Season 5 took place all in the future and the main characters trying to defeat these people called "the observers" and getting rid of them, or getting back to a time to where they never took over. Which is how it ends, they end up getting back to a time where they never invaded because of something they do in the last few episodes. (And no I didn't spoil it for you, there is a lot more to it then that!)

It was a really interesting show though, some of the cases were down right gross, and others weren't too completely bad, though I enjoyed the gross ones sometimes.

I did like how they incorporated a love story between the two main characters, Olivia and Peter. The connection really didn't seep in until season 3 though. I mean it was there in seasons 1 and 2 (barely in season 1) but season 3 is where I think it was really good. However, Walter (Peter's insanely crazy, yet brilliant dad) was my favorite character. He was funny, and he was the one who was always there to solve the mysteries and tell them how to fix them

Friday, March 29, 2013

Book: The Things They Carried

Very good book, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. There are a lot of underlining meanings which take a while to actually realize.

There are two chapters in the book which are written in 3rd person and not 1st person like the rest of the book, and this threw me off (well the 1st chapter is in 3rd person, so I was expecting the whole book to be that way which is the first part that threw me off) Upon finishing the book, though, I think that reading these two chapters puts the reader into the book; allows them to get to feel what those characters in the book felt.

I must say this is a war novel, well it's a novel that has a lot of Vietnam stories in it, which can at some times can be gruesome. It didn't bother me too much, but I do know others that didn't like the book due to this fact. I thought the writing was still very good and the stories fit well with the message of the book

Book: Brisingr

Do not read this is you haven't read the first two books of the series, it will spoil them for you.

Long, very very long, but an easy read for people who love to read, took me about a two weeks to go from start to finish and that was while I was in school and had to take a break to read another book.

Christopher Paolni is a very talented writer. He has a way of desribing  beautiful landscapes. Very incaptivating.

It took me longer than usual to get into this book, but once I got into it I enjoyed it a lot. It's ended was a bit of a tear-jerker for me, and you will have to read it to figure it out.

I'm glad he didn't keep this series a trilogy and pushed to write a fourth book because I would have been very upset if he took out some of the stuff he had in there to reach the ending in the third book. The way this book ends it makes for a perfect entry for a fourth book and I'm so excited to finish this series, although I think I might be a little upset when I'm done the series.

Take your time to read the book too, don't just skim through it and finish it in 3 days, that's not what reading the book is about.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

VH1 Top 20 countdown 3/23/2012

No, this is not a complete list of the countdown. I had originally wanted to do that, but things didn't turn out that way. Better luck next time? We will see.

20. Hunter Hayes: Wanted

Great new country artist. Kind of has a Rascal Flatts sound going for him. Young and attractive and thus attracts all of the girls... shocker. He is a country artist.

Basis of the Song: Simple, he wants to make a girl feel how important she is to him and how important she should feel. What every guy should tell his girl

Piano based. Very lovely. Not very upbeat... Note: DON'T USE AT A PARTY!

The video? Kinda dull, it's black and white, consists of him at his piano for most of it.

19. Youngblood Hawke- We Come Running

Very interesting sound. Not used to a band this size having a girl in the voice mixture. It's a nice combination thought.

Not a highly hip hop upbeat song, but not a song you could sleep to, that's for sure.

The video? I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm a little confused why they are singing underwater like they are swimming and drowning, when the song clearly says Running.. Would have loved to be a part of that experience though.

18. Bon Jovi- Because we Can

Bon Jovi... classic. Old fashioned. Doesn't add all the technology to it like some of the newer artists do.

No one can hold you back. You can do what you want to do because... well because you can. Don't be ordinary and stay in the background... "take a stand". At least that's the message I felt he was telling me.

The video? Bon Jovi singing with his band. Random stories of people just doing their thing is mixed in. I think it matches the song very well.

17. P!nk- Just Give Me a Reason

P!nk, telling the truth in her own different way.

The song is different beat then what I'm used to from her. It's still a good song, though.

The video? It does a good job with the song, I think. Water has so many symbolic meanings that can be related to the lyrics of the song. The teddy bear with the creepy eyes I don't quite understand, but this is a P!nk song, you aren't supposed to get it all.

16. Train: Mermaid

The football scenes? I don't get it. The island stuff and the beach scenes make sense for the words of the song.

15. Alabama Shakes: Hold On

I got bored with it. Couldn't really get into the song.

14. Taylor Swift- I Knew You Were Trouble

Oh, T. Swift... The things I could say.

Catchy tune, I must confess. I don't like all of her songs and I get very frustrated with other songs, but I actually liked this song. Many people claim it was her foretelling her break up with Harry, I could see that.

The video? The first TWO minutes is her giving you this pointless speech. One I'm sure you are intelligent enough to skip over. Flashes between the night before when she is with her mysterious lover and in the morning when she wakes up and is all alone. Kind of weird.

8. Kelly Clarkson: Catch My Breath

American Idol picked a good one. I have thought this for a while now. Kelly knows how to bring a song to life and she has a lot of good ones out there in my opinion.

Don't let someone have any control over what you do and how you do it. If they don't like who you are, oh wells.

The video? EXTREMELY DULL! I don't just want to see you standing there Kelly! I want to see you actually doing something to depict the meaning of your song. Sadly, I do see this in a lot of her videos.

4.Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Thrift Shop

I find the beginning of this song extremely addictive. But the lyrics to the song are kind of a drag for me. Cool you're making fun of people who spend all that money on brand names when you can get it really cheap. We do that all the time without a song.

The video? Pretty much... in a Thrift Shop. There are a few random images that pop up (like the grandpa that pops up when they mention grandpa)

2. fun.- Carry On

This group is new to me, and this is the only song I have heard from them, but I like it a lot. It's very catchy and the beat is addicting.

Always just... well... "carry on"

The video? It takes a while to get started, which is something that can make or break a video for me. The video to me seems like them getting on stage to a concert of theirs and the afterwards.

1. Maroon 5- Daylight

I'm not a huge Maroon 5 fan. I don't hate them, but I'm not jumping for joy when they come on the radio, so maybe my opinion of them and their messages that I get from their songs are different from others.

Before my friend told me what she heard someone say the song was about, I thought that the song was about being there for a person who needs you. My friend told me that the song could easily be about a one night stand, and ever since then, I can completely see it. Which would probably ruin your thoughts about the video.

Be prepared, this is a 9, almost 10 minute, video. I think it is cool how they put people singing in the background telling their stories.