Friday, March 29, 2013

Book: Brisingr

Do not read this is you haven't read the first two books of the series, it will spoil them for you.

Long, very very long, but an easy read for people who love to read, took me about a two weeks to go from start to finish and that was while I was in school and had to take a break to read another book.

Christopher Paolni is a very talented writer. He has a way of desribing  beautiful landscapes. Very incaptivating.

It took me longer than usual to get into this book, but once I got into it I enjoyed it a lot. It's ended was a bit of a tear-jerker for me, and you will have to read it to figure it out.

I'm glad he didn't keep this series a trilogy and pushed to write a fourth book because I would have been very upset if he took out some of the stuff he had in there to reach the ending in the third book. The way this book ends it makes for a perfect entry for a fourth book and I'm so excited to finish this series, although I think I might be a little upset when I'm done the series.

Take your time to read the book too, don't just skim through it and finish it in 3 days, that's not what reading the book is about.

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