Friday, January 31, 2014

Show: Roswell

I remember watching this show when I was younger, but only watching season one. Then recently I rewatched season 1 and then watched season 2 and 3 along with it. I must confess, I got more disappointed as the seasons progressed. In otherwords, season one was great, but I wouldn't really recommend the other two, it felt like a waste of my time.

Anyhow, it starts with Liz getting shot in her parent's restaurant and Max healing her mystically with powers. Thing is she can't tell anyone about this or Max, Isabell (Max's sister) and Michael (their friend) would get in trouble and the government would be after them.

Because of this one day, Max and Isabell become closer and a connection forms between the two. Meanwhile she can't tell her friends about what is happening, but she has to tell Maria, her best friend. Maria can tell Liz is hiding something. Eventually they tell Alex (Liz and Maria's best friend). Throughout the first season, Liz and Max grow close and Maria and Michael grow closer.

The Government finds out about the three aliens and go to Roswell to figure it out. Meanwhile there is another alien called Nasedo that is a mystery to the group. They are not sure if he is on their side or a bad guy, but it seems he is not a friend to them.

In season 2, Nasedo comes out as a helpful character trying to protect the gang from the government. Along with him comes Tess, who is another alien like Max, Isabel, and Michael. Tess seems to make Max go crazy for her and something is very strange about it. Max meanwhile is trying to convince Liz that he doesn't have feelings for Tess, and Liz is trying to not feel anything for Max because of a visit she gets from the future.

Tess ends up getting pregnant by Max by the end of the second season and the baby is "dying" so she needs to get back to their home so that the baby can survive. Also in the middle of the season, Alex dies, and while it's deemed a suicide, Liz is convinced it is a homicide and in the season finale, they figure out who actually killed Alex... It was Tess, she mind-warped Alex to translate a book for them and in doing so killed Alex. Well that means she can go home alone because the rest of the gang stays behind to do season three.

Season three... gosh, I don't even know how to go about explaining this season at all. It's all just very.. um crazy. Well at this point, Liz and Max are back together and they are doing some crazy things to figure out if there is another way to get back home, because Max gets the distinct feeling that his son needs him. Well this ends them up in jail and thus Liz's father said no more, you aren't allowed to see Max anymore. Did this stop them, not really. It's not until Liz gets really sick and starts experiencing alien powers that she decides getting far from Max is best for her, so she goes to the east coast at a boarding school. This doesn't make her safe, however. There are some people that come to her and then Max saves her in a sense while he also is the one going after her. Anyway, Liz starts to be able to see the future and she uses this to see that the government kills them all on their graduation day, so they all make an escape and are on the road running from the government, from then on. It ends showing Liz and Max getting married.

Happy ending.

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