Saturday, November 30, 2013

Movie: Red Dawn

I'm a huge fan of Chris Hemsworth, so knowing he was in this might have influenced me to go and see it. And no it's not just because I think he looks good... he has a great accent too... Lol! (Kidding, he's a good actor too!)

I've never seen the original Red Dawn, but from what I heard, this one wasn't too far off, minus how it ended. Maybe people didn't like the way the original ended? Lol

It starts out with Matt (Josh Peck) playing a football game and his dad and family are there, his brother Jed (Chris Hemsworth) shows up. After the game they go to the bar where they power goes out, but no one really thinks too much about it.

Jed and Matt clearly have some issues to work out by the way Matt reacts to Jed being home. In the morning they wake up to their house shaking and Koreans falling on them (Damn, I thought it was going to be Canadians [Kidding, again]) So Jed (being a marine) decides to get his brother to his father. When they find him, he tells them to go to this cabin.

At the cabin they have some complications with one of the guys, who tells the Koreans where they are all staying and leads the Koreans there. Don't worry they don't get caught, but this is where someone dies, but this death leads them to create the Wolverine team.

After some training the people who went with Jed and Matt are now ready to be a team and work to free their city. Matt, however, is hurt from the loss of his girlfriend who was taken early in the movie. His every thought is about her.

There is a plan they they create to get rid of the guy now controling their city, Matt see's his girlfriend and this ruins part of their plan and it gets someone killed in the process. He does save his girlfriend, but when they get back to their site, it's a bitter sweet moment and Matt 'runs off' to collect himself for a few days.

When he gets back, they get back to work, but the Koreans figure out where they are staying and bomb their hideout, which leads to a grave for some. Afterwards they meet up with three older marines looking for something the Koreans have, so they make a plan to get it.

They go to the police station, which is where the Koreans are staying and they get the package back, don't think this is the end... it's not! Any of you who saw the original know there are still plenty of figures who have not met their fate yet.

They end up getting a tracking device in one of their guys which leads the Koreans to them, well I'm sure you get the picture. Their guy who gets the tracking device in him decides to stay behind to stop them from tracking them anymore. It ends with Matt recruiting others to their cause to free America

Overall, I thought it was a great movie, although I was 'angry' about a certain event. It was still a good movie. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars

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