Sunday, August 18, 2013

Book: The Red Pyramid

So this was an interesting book. Rick Riordan wrote the Percy Jackson series, I absolutely LOVED this series. It's about the greek gods having demi-god kids, but the way it was written was great.

This book is about two kids that have the bloodlines of Egyptian pharohs and end up hosting Isis and Horus, two Egyptian gods.

Carter and Sadie are siblings separated when their mother died. They got to see each other rarely, as Sadie lives with her grandparents and Carter travels the world with his dad. This time when they get to see each other, their dad brings them to a European museam and breaks an egyptian artifact that housed the big 5 gods.

This is how Carter and Sadie became hosts of Isis and Horus. Osiris went into their father and Set imprisons him. So Carter and Sadie meet their uncle Amos that tells them who that are, he ends up getting captured by Set. The House of Life helps them at first, although they do not approve of Egyptian gods, so they don't approve of Carter and Sie and they end up running from the House and Set.

They get some helt from their gods they are hosting and other gods and get into a lot of missions they have to complete so they can reach Set and free their dad

Horus/Carter ends up fighting Set, and Isis/Sadie end up helping by discovering the real secret, Chaos is trying to take over and the House and the gods have to work together. Orisis is the god of the dead so when they get rid of Set they don't exactly get rhtir father back.

I think the thing I didn't like about the book was the way it was written. Carter would narrate 2 chapters and  then Sadie would do 2 and it would bounce between them.

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