Saturday, November 30, 2013

Movie: Red Dawn

I'm a huge fan of Chris Hemsworth, so knowing he was in this might have influenced me to go and see it. And no it's not just because I think he looks good... he has a great accent too... Lol! (Kidding, he's a good actor too!)

I've never seen the original Red Dawn, but from what I heard, this one wasn't too far off, minus how it ended. Maybe people didn't like the way the original ended? Lol

It starts out with Matt (Josh Peck) playing a football game and his dad and family are there, his brother Jed (Chris Hemsworth) shows up. After the game they go to the bar where they power goes out, but no one really thinks too much about it.

Jed and Matt clearly have some issues to work out by the way Matt reacts to Jed being home. In the morning they wake up to their house shaking and Koreans falling on them (Damn, I thought it was going to be Canadians [Kidding, again]) So Jed (being a marine) decides to get his brother to his father. When they find him, he tells them to go to this cabin.

At the cabin they have some complications with one of the guys, who tells the Koreans where they are all staying and leads the Koreans there. Don't worry they don't get caught, but this is where someone dies, but this death leads them to create the Wolverine team.

After some training the people who went with Jed and Matt are now ready to be a team and work to free their city. Matt, however, is hurt from the loss of his girlfriend who was taken early in the movie. His every thought is about her.

There is a plan they they create to get rid of the guy now controling their city, Matt see's his girlfriend and this ruins part of their plan and it gets someone killed in the process. He does save his girlfriend, but when they get back to their site, it's a bitter sweet moment and Matt 'runs off' to collect himself for a few days.

When he gets back, they get back to work, but the Koreans figure out where they are staying and bomb their hideout, which leads to a grave for some. Afterwards they meet up with three older marines looking for something the Koreans have, so they make a plan to get it.

They go to the police station, which is where the Koreans are staying and they get the package back, don't think this is the end... it's not! Any of you who saw the original know there are still plenty of figures who have not met their fate yet.

They end up getting a tracking device in one of their guys which leads the Koreans to them, well I'm sure you get the picture. Their guy who gets the tracking device in him decides to stay behind to stop them from tracking them anymore. It ends with Matt recruiting others to their cause to free America

Overall, I thought it was a great movie, although I was 'angry' about a certain event. It was still a good movie. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Clip: Lambert the Sheepish Lion

So Lambert ends up getting "delivered" to a flock of sheep by Mr. Stork who thought Lambert meant lamb. Right when Mr. Stark arrived, the mothers of the flock were gifted with their own baby lambs

All except one mother sheep who was upset. When Mr. Stork delivered Lambert, Lambert went right to this mother sheep. Mr. Stork tried to take lambert away, but mama sheep got mad and chased Mr. Stork away.

At first poor Lambert is teased by the other lambs. He's a big softie and the other lambs tease him for it

One day a wolf finds the flock and chases the mama sheep up on a cliff. She cried for Lambert to save her and at first he cowers and then it snaps and he goes to save his mama, chasing the wolf off the cliff.

So now the other lambs view Lambert differently and accept him in their group.

Clip: The Ugly Duckling

We all know the story. I still find this one to be one of the better ones.

Starts out with a mother duch hatching her ducklings but one seems off and ends up making the father duck leave the mother duck. Which leads the mother duck to shun the "ugly duckling." So the "ugly duckling" goes off looking for its real family. (This reminds me of the P.D. Eastman book Are You My Mother)

First a mother bird:

Then a wooden duck

Then finally a swam mother who he thinks will shun him, but doesn't and thus... happy ending

Video Clip: The Wise Little Hen

This wasn't a bad little Disney clip.

So this mother hen needs help to plant her corn at first, so she and her chicks go to Peter Pig and Donald Duck to ask if they will help. The two make up excuses so they can't plant corn and work with the mother hen. So the hen plants the corn herself with her chicks.

So now the hen needs help to harvest her corn and again she goes to Peter Pig and Donald Duck and again they make excuses so they don't have to. This time the hen catches them laughing about it before she goes to harvest her corn.

Now comes time to eat the corn and so when she goes over to Peter Pig and Donald Duck she brings them medicine for their stomach aches.

So Peter Pig and Donald Duck punish each other for being bad friends.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Book: The Red Pyramid

So this was an interesting book. Rick Riordan wrote the Percy Jackson series, I absolutely LOVED this series. It's about the greek gods having demi-god kids, but the way it was written was great.

This book is about two kids that have the bloodlines of Egyptian pharohs and end up hosting Isis and Horus, two Egyptian gods.

Carter and Sadie are siblings separated when their mother died. They got to see each other rarely, as Sadie lives with her grandparents and Carter travels the world with his dad. This time when they get to see each other, their dad brings them to a European museam and breaks an egyptian artifact that housed the big 5 gods.

This is how Carter and Sadie became hosts of Isis and Horus. Osiris went into their father and Set imprisons him. So Carter and Sadie meet their uncle Amos that tells them who that are, he ends up getting captured by Set. The House of Life helps them at first, although they do not approve of Egyptian gods, so they don't approve of Carter and Sie and they end up running from the House and Set.

They get some helt from their gods they are hosting and other gods and get into a lot of missions they have to complete so they can reach Set and free their dad

Horus/Carter ends up fighting Set, and Isis/Sadie end up helping by discovering the real secret, Chaos is trying to take over and the House and the gods have to work together. Orisis is the god of the dead so when they get rid of Set they don't exactly get rhtir father back.

I think the thing I didn't like about the book was the way it was written. Carter would narrate 2 chapters and  then Sadie would do 2 and it would bounce between them.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Movie: Beautiful Creatures

After seeing the movie, I can't wait to see the movie. I had a typical problem with reading a book and then watching the movie. I just nit-pick the movie to no end.

Anyway it is narrated by the main guy character, Ethan. He has this really strong southern accent, which is fitting for the movie, seeing as it takes place in South Carolina, but it sometimes gets annoying and hard to understand. He starts it out by talking about these dreams have about this girl, but he can't see her face because it is covered by her hair. He solves his insomnia by running all night. Classy guy.

Anyway, when he gets to school the next day, there is a new girl at school, Lena,  that everyone is judgmental about because of her family and they think they are all devil worshipers (this city is a very Catholic one). She is very shy and doesn't seem to let it get to her too much. While driving home, Ethan sees Lena pulled to the side of the road because her car broke down, so after a little convincing, Ethan gets her in his car to drive her home.

One day, Ethan goes to Lena's house and meets her uncle who is kinda scary and Lena tells him not to go in, but he does. Her uncle does some weird things to Ethan which makes him leave the house, but he's pretty resilient and goes back to the house. He goes to give Lena this locket he found on his run from the beginning and when they both touch it they start seeing this vision of this girl and guy.

Anyway, Ethan wakes up and he's back at home and he's a little frustrated so he goes back to Lena's place and all this weird stuff starts to happen and he can never seem to make it back to the house, that's when Lena comes and help and then afterwards she tells him that she has these powers and that she can be claimed by either the Light or the Dark and she only has so many days left until her 16th birthday when she will be claimed.

When Ethan takes Lena on a date to the movies, they decide to try the necklace, locket thing and they see the girl perform a spell to bring back her dead lover and in doing so she turned dark. You find out later that the spell was forbidden and created a curse on the women on Lena’s family that they will turn dark.

Her family has this harvest dinner thing and Lena's cousin, Ridley, who turned dark on her 16th birthday comes to Ethan's school and takes him to Lena's place.

She has some power over him and he's not able to really make his own choices. Well Lena gets mad and loses control and unleashes some power on Ridley telling her to "leave her boyfriend alone.”

From this point on, Ethan and Lena are mainly going through a struggle to keep her family and his (mainly his mother’s friend Amma, as his father is not really in the picture) from trying to separate them. When they do get torn apart from her family, Ethan goes to her house and Lena breaks this spell that the family has to keep her from him. Then Ethan goes to Amma and asks for her help. Turns out Amma is part of a group of people that keep the spells from the casters secret and hidden. There is this one book that will tell Lena about this curse that Ridley told her about that will make her go dark.

For the next several months, Ethan takes Lena to this place so that she can figure out what’s going on. Towards her birthday she finds out to break this curse she has to use the forbidden spell to take the life of her lover. By learning this she tries to distance herself from Ethan and when she can’t get him to leave she pretty much erases his memories of him.

There is this big civil war reenactment that the high school players do and just joking around Ethan and his friend Link decide to “fake” kill each other. Well Ridley gave Link a bullet and convinced him to pretty much kill his best friend and that this will ultimately bring Lena to turn dark. So Lena feels that something is wrong when Ethan is shot and runs to the battlefield where it turns out to be her uncle, Macon, not Ethan. She end up causing Ridley to run and kills her mom’s evil spirit (that was pretty much her mom) when she hides the moon so that she can’t be claimed by either the light or the dark, that she chooses for herself.

A few months go by and Ethan goes to see Ammy at the Library to tell her he’s off to look at some colleges and bumps into Lena, who he doesn't remember or know anything about anymore and Lena doesn't say anything to him except good luck. When Ethan passes the sign of the town he sees a scorch mark and remembers Lena. The movie ends with him yelling her name and her lifting her eyes to see that one eye is dark and the other is normal.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Clip: Presto

This is probably one of my favorite Pixar shorts I've seen from both collections. The bunny is just tooo adorable.

Serves that magician right for not feeding his rabbit. That's some sort of animal cruelty I'm sure.

So when someone is bullying you:

1. Use a mouse trap

2. Make their egg tricks backfired on them.

3. Suction their  faces.

4. Slam their fingers in a desk

5. Pull all of their tricks from up their sleeves.

6. Poke them in the eye with their own fingers.

7. Make them pull off their pants.

8. Hit them with a ladder in between the legs, and make sure when they go to use it against you it     backfires.

9. Electrocute them.

10. Make sure their leg gets caught in a lift rope and when they are all the way up and start to fall, be nice and safe them.

In the end, give them hell, but let them have a good show.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Movie: Atlantis: Milo's Return

It starts out with Princess Kida telling the story of the rebuilding of Atlantis. If you watched Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) then you know why they need all the rebuilding. It's pretty cute how it starts out with some of the animals swimming around in the lava.

Not long into the movie (about 10 minutes) the crew from the first movie return, they have a new mission, the leviathan has been causing havoc in the north Atlantic and Milo is needed as an expert in the creatures of Atlantis. Kida comes with Milo to the "real world"; she doesn't know exactly how to react to the new surroundings.

Not long after they get to the surface, they are attacked on their ship. So when their ship is damaged they go to a fishing village not far off. This village is flat out creepy. There they meet an old guy named Volgud, his whole village is full of zombie looking people. While staying there they find him controlling the Kraken that attacked their ship. It's a stony looking thing. When they attack and kill the Kraken they kill off Volgud as well, he turns to ash, fun.

After they get rid of the Kraken they get sent to the SouthWest for another mission. They get called down there because an Atlantian artifact was found. The guy who found the stone tells his story about how these ghost wolves came after him. While they are driving to pick up some more clues they pick up a native and then later while he is talking to them they are attacked by the wolves. The native exhibits the same red eyes as the wolves.

When escaping from the wolves a second time, they get into a cave that has a lot of different cultures and one of them happen to be Atlantian. In the end they are almost destroyed by the spirit dude because he needs to keep it all a secret.

When they return to Whitmore's mansion, Whitmore tells them how a spear was taken from him, which of course, lead to another mystery and problem that needed to be taken care of because the spear was an Atlantian spear which can bring about Judgement Day. So they have to go to Iceland to stop him, while they are flying there a Ice monster/god-like-thing attacks their plane and sends them down. They then get captured and brought to the bad guy and he uses the staff-like-spear-thing to bring about a volcano god and the ice and fire god fight and then Kida gets the staff back and sets things right.

When they get back to Atlantis, Kida uses the spear and the crystal to bring Atlantis to the surface, happy ending.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Movie: The Great Mouse Detective

The movie starts out with a girl mouse (Olivia) and her father. The father put his daughter in a closet like area and tells her not to come out. Meanwhile, there is a lot of commotion outside and when Olivia can get out she finds her dad gone and taken. As any daughter would be, she is flustered.

She runs into a bigger mouse named Dr. Dawson, he just came back from tour in Afghanistan  She tells Dr. Dawson that she is looking from Basil of Baker Street. He helps her find Basil. Basil turns out to be the Sherlock Holmes of mouse world. He at first won't hear much from Olivia, trying to send her off, telling her to find her mother and to go home. She then says that it was this bat that took her father. This is what gets Basil's attention. Turns out he knows EXACTLY who took Olivia's dad.

Basil, Dr. Dawson, and Olivia set out to find her dad. Meanwhile, her dad is hard at work for Ratcus making him some kind of machine. Ratcus gets him to do this by threatening his daughter. So what better way to make a father work but to capture his daughter and get the father to work for the release of his daughter. So that's what Ratcus does, sends out his bat to capture Olivia. While looking for clues, Olivia is captured even with all of Basil's efforts to stop them from taking her.

While his daughter is there, the father works hard for Ratcus. Dr. Dawson and Basil find a way into Ratcus' lair through a dinner party. Ratcus expected it and captures both Dawson and Basil and set a trap so that if tripped, they would die. He used this time to take the father and the machine he made to take over the Queen Mouse. The machine is a replica of the Queen Mouse.

Basil is down and depressed because Ratcus was able to out-smart him. It takes some motivational words from Dawson before Basil is able to snap out of it and then figure the trap out. Once that is done they go and soil the plan being played out at the palace and save the Queen Mouse.

That's not the complete end, though. Ratch is so angry that he goes to run away with Olivia, they catch up and get Olivia back, there is a big clamor and in the end Basil is victorious over Ratcus.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Movie: Princess Mononoke

I really liked this movie. It's a long one though, aren't all of his?

Anywho, it's about a guy, Ashitaka, who is a prince of his tribe/city who is poisoned from a demon. A demon attacks his village and everything the demon touches dies, and Ashitaka needs to stop it before it gets to his city and kills everyone. in the process of killing the demon (which turns out to be a huge boar), he is touched and has a rash formed. Turns out the rash is a curse and he will die soon. The Wise woman from the town tells him that the Great Forest Spirit might be able to help, but he is dead to his town because of their laws.

So Ashitaka leaves in search of the forest. On his way there he sees Samurai pillaging a village and he tries to help, when the samurai attack him, he kills them in devastating blows (like using an arrow to sever their heads and other body parts). It's a little disturbing if you don't like gore. Anyway, the people half fear him, half admire him, but it's not an important town, just one character there is important that takes him to his house to eat and offers some shelter before Ashitaka leaves back to the forest. Don't forget the guy, he will come back.

So they throw in this clip of this movement of ox and people moving towards their city with rice. You don't really get the point too much of it at first. These wolves attack and the one lady, Lady Eboshi, shoots it with her gun and it falls into the water, but she says it's a god. There are some men and ox that fall off the cliff.

When Ashitaka makes it to the city, he finds two men who are alive but one is in serious condition. These two men came from the Iron Town, where Lady Eboshi and her people are from. So Ashitake agrees to take the guys back to their village because they are both injured and need his help. They have these little creatures help them, which are kind of freaky, but they help them get to the city. When Ashitaka makes it to the city, Lady Eboshi wants to talk to him because he comes off as a hero for making it through the forest alive and helping her people.

So here's a strange thing about the movie, the women are the ones who rule the city, kind of. They run the iron mill. Ashitaka finds out that the bullets that Lady Eboshi makes is what caused the boar to become a demon and that they are dangerous. Through the demon and the bullet is how Ashitaka got his curse, so he's not to fond of Eboshi, or I wouldn't be. Anyway, Eboshi tells him about a girl in the forest who is a wolf girl named Princess Mononoke.

During one night, the wolf girl attacks the town after Eboshi for the damage she is causing in the forest. Ashitake gets into the middle of the fight because he doesn't want either one hurt. He gets the wolf-girl away by knocking both of the women out. While leaving he is shot and he lives when he shouldn't but he becomes very ill.

When they make it back to the forest, it takes a while, but Mononoke takes care of Ashitaka and takes him to this lake and waits for the great forest spirit to heal him, which he does.

The goddess of the wolves tells Ashitaka to leave and when he does the boars and the people of Iron Town go to battle. The battle is meant to draw the boars out and so that they can get to the Great Forest Spirit. It works and when Ashitaka finally finds where the massacre occurred, a wolf is still alive and helps him find the wolf-girl and king of the boars who are leading the people straight to the Great Forest Spirit because the King of the Boars is greatly injured and sick.

While getting to the lake, the curse takes over the boar and consumes Mononoke with him, when Ashitaka calls out her name she answers and he runs to her aid. He does everything to free her, but ultimately it is the wolf goddess who gets her out of the cursed boar and then gives her to Ashitaka who gets her in the water. Meanwhile, the forest spirit is coming to help end the suffering of the King Boar and when he does, Eboshi and her people shoot off it's head.

The rest of the movie is about the destruction the forest spirit causes the land in search of his head. Mononoke and Ashitaka get the head back to the forest spirit after much destruction and then in the end Ashitaka is healed and all is well.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie: The Black Cauldron

I thought it was a decent movie. I don't think Disney should claim this one, kinda creepy for a young kid to be watching.

It starts with a boy who is a pig keeper and he finds that his pig is this magical pig that can see things (not in the future or past, but in the present). Well anyway, his pig is being hunted by this guy known as the Horned King, he's the creepy one in the movie. He wants to find this thing called the Black Cauldron which has this evil magical power.

Well they get captured by the Horned King and the boy manages to get his pig out of the city, but is trapped and kept prisonner. While in his prison he meets this Princess who is also a prisoner. Together they try to find a way out and stumble upon the old king's tomb. In it the boy finds a magical sword (well he doesn't quite know that yet), and then they find a old man who is captured and they free him. Together they escape.

They meet up a forest creature, he's really cute and together they find some fairies that tell them where the Black Cauldron is and so they go there. When they reach the city they find three witched. When they ask the witches for the black cauldron they ask for the sword in exchange which they give the witches.

They then get captured again by the Horned King and he uses the cauldron to summon a undead army. When the creature from the forest frees his friends he jumps into the cauldron to stop the undead army and he does. When he does the Horned King gets sucked into the cauldron. When the castle is destroyed, the witches come back for the cauldron and when they do the characters ask for their friend back in return for the cauldron.

Book: Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison

Epic finale to the series. Was sad when I finished it actually.

This book has so many parts to it, that it shifts around a lot. In the beginning Seth and Kendra and her grandparents are all together and have to devise a plan to get the next artifact so that they can get Warren out of the knapsack because he is running out of food at this point.

When they get the artifact, they are ambushed by the Society and they get separated  Seth, Tanu, and Mara all get trapped by the society. And the rest get away to home. Kendra uses the Transporter device to get Warren out of the knapsack, he's alive and well so that's nice.

While imprisoned, Seth meets a guy (well actually he is a Unicorn) named Braken. He is permanently a human from giving up his third horn to keep the Zzyxx locked. He turns out to be a huge part of the book.

Then Kendra, her grandparents and the rest device a plan to get Seth and the others rescued after Vanessa reveals her secret that helps them figure out where the 5th Secret Preserve is. Well it ends up being a trap and then they all get captured.

Someone gives Seth the Sands of Serenity and the translocator so that he can escape. Well through making a promise to Granulas he goes to him and heals him and is betrayed. Granulas destroys the house and kills Coulter. Before he dies, Coulter gives advice to Seth to find a message from Patton. He does this and learns he needs to find the Singing Sisters. In finding what he needs to do, Seth releases Vanessa and takes Doren and Newel with him on his mission.

Kendra, meanwhile, meets Braken. Poor girl has been lied to so often she doesn't trust him. In the process, they meet up with Warren who has found out that the Sphinx has switched sides since Granulas and Naga Luni (the demon that taught the Sphinx) have taken over the Society. So they escape through the help of the Sphinx and find the Fairy Queen's shrine and the Fairy Queen assures Kendra that Braken is on their side.

So Seth meets the Singing Sisters and they tell him how to find Vasilis, the sword of Light and Darkness. He has to go to Canada to get it and Vanessa helps them reach it. Seth has to rid the Totem Wall (where the sword is at) of the evil that resides in it. It's all undead and Seth has some troubles but manages to get the sword from the Wizard who it belongs to. The sword has to be given.

Kendra, Warren, and Braken are sent to save the Eternals (who need to be killed before the gates can be opened). They fail at this with the 3 remaining, through a lot of trying. They end up going to meet up with Seth and Vanessa who need to summon the Ghost ship to get to the Shoreless Isle.

Well I'm sure you can imagine that Zzyxx is open, but the Sword is used by Seth to kill Granulas and Naga Luni, while Kendra uses it to defeat the demon king.

They couldn't kill all the demons so they trapped them in the Fairy Queen's realm instead and the Fairy Queen goes to Zzyzz as her new kingdom. I'm sure you can imagine that Kendra falls for Braken. Really cute actually.

He left the series with a lot of open questions, that I hope he solves.